Biophilia Intruder NLS in Oncology

Over the past few years, there has been a strong development of various hardware diagnostics used in oncology. Such techniques include traditional X-ray examinations and their varieties (rontgenoscopy, rontgenography, etc.), diagnostic ultrasonography, computed tomography (CT) and magnetic resonance tomography (MRT), traditional angiography, different methods and techniques of nuclear medicine, and The NLS method is widely used in oncology with the help of the Metatron system. The mutual vectors of this development are: the hardware importance and difficulty of the Biophilia Intruder NLS technique and the increase of a single device; the general integration of this method with different techniques to solve diagnostic problems in the context of a single anatomical region, system or pathology.

In oncology, NLS diagnosis is mainly aimed at solving basic problems such as tumor disease pre-disclosure, oncology diagnosis, staging and cure outcome monitoring. Currently, we can talk about the formation of special trends in NLS diagnostics, which are realized at various stages of oncology treatment, requiring various organizational, technical and technological approaches. like:

1. Early (preclinical) new growth diagnosis or tumor disease screening;

2. Use non-invasive NLS technology to evaluate pathological organ and tissue changes;

2.1. Diagnosis and differential diagnosis of pathological growths found, in particular neoplastic and non-neoplastic diseases, anatomical and functional characterization processes;

2.2. Staging of cancerous growths, including traditional surveillance for primary growth prevalence, regional lymph node metastases, and distant metastases;

2.3. Monitor the results of surgery, drugs, and radiation therapy, including actual changes in tumor tissue, as well as complications and reactions during the healing process;

2.4. Case monitoring of patients after treatment.

Solutions for each of the above tasks can be used for specific pathological processes, which also require the combined use of NLS diagnostics and various radiographic techniques. The principle of sequential progression from simple techniques to more complex diagnostics using NLS has dominated the past few years and now essentially another approach is widely disseminated. It's about choosing the most efficient method, including the most expensive, or a combination of them, to get the best and fastest results.

A typical example of this business area over the past few years is the use of Z-series high-speed non-linear multivariate scanners Biophilia Intruder NLS diagnostic program Combined with multivariate NLS-scopy results 3D reconstruction images of tissue tumors Computer and magnetic resonance tomography Examination of tumor processes throughout Prevalence in organisms. This approach inevitably leads to serious structural changes in the diagnosis itself and in oncology practice as a whole.