Vascular Disease and 3D NLS Approach with Biophilia Intruder

Vascular Disease and 3D NLS Approach with Biophilia Intruder

Today, there is a worldwide trend of steadily increasing mortality from occlusive vascular disease, especially cerebrovascular disease, which ranks third among the causes of death. This is due to the increasing number of elderly and geriatric patients. From another point of view, many 40-year-olds have atherosclerotic lesions in the head and large arteries, which require clinical observation.

The simplest and at the same time informative noninvasive method for diagnosing peripheral vascular occlusive lesions appears to be the 3D NLS method, which has only entered clinical practice in recent years. Using this method, we can assess the condition of certain parts of the great vessels of the lower extremity and the brachiocephalic vessels.

Not only the condition of blood vessels, but also the condition of deep vein valve devices can be investigated. 205 patients were examined to reveal deep vein valve insufficiency affected by varicose veins. Patients ranged in age from 20 to 69 years old. There were 52 males (25.4%) and 153 females (74.6%) of the patients examined. The investigation was carried out with the "Metatron 4025 Hunter" device, which uses a digitally triggered sensor at a frequency of 4.9 GHz and features a three-dimensional visualization of organs and tissues. Femoral valvular insufficiency was found in 63 patients, and femoral and popliteal insufficiency was diagnosed in 87 patients. 3D NLS enables non-invasive and objective assessment of the condition of the lower extremity deep venous valve device, which is important for the selected surgical strategy and can be used as an alternative to venography.

The spectral entropy analysis method of the NLS signal (SEA) has no contraindications and is comparable to angiography in terms of the amount of information. It can be used for screening during preliminary examinations to reveal early or latent forms of vascular lesions, and also as a preliminary method for selecting patients for vascular surgery, according to some experts - angiologists, angiography should only be used in preliminary Surgical candidates selected after a 3D NLS survey. However, this method cannot assess the volumetric properties of blood flow, as Biophilia Intruder's 3D NLS cannot provide true vascular imaging and therefore cannot measure blood vessels. This information can be received by a Doppler system with two-dimensional imaging, which provides duplex and triplex scans (so-called Doppler color charts).