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Kant revolutionized philosophy by stating that man creates reality rather than feels it. He makes this assumption from the fact that our physical sensations, passing through the nervous apparatus, are transformed, and then reassembling in the brain, present us with a picture that we call reality, but which, in fact, is a chimera, a fiction that exists only in our cognizing and analyzing consciousness.

BIOPHILIA 4D – la méthode anti-tabac

La dépendance au tabac et les dépendances en tant que telles sont un fléau du monde moderne. Le tabagisme est connu pour augmenter toutes sortes de risques pour la santé tels que les oncologies, les maladies cardiaques et les perturbations chroniques du système respiratoire, pour ne citer que les principaux.

Biophilia Guardian cares for the health of cats and dogs (1)

The pathogenic bacteria remaining in the mouth will be spread everywhere when cats and dogs groom themselves or lick people, and pathogenic bacteria in the gut may also be excreted into the surrounding environment by cats and dogs, which may Injuring pet owners themselves, children and the elderly at home, as well as neighbors, visitors and other people with weakened immune systems is a hidden danger that cannot be ignored, and Biophilia Guardian can detect all of these for you, including physical fitness indicators of cats and dogs and bacterial data, etc.

Biophilia Guardian cares for the health of cats and dogs (2)

I wish you all the cats and dogs to eat healthy and happy! Good appetite every day!

Biophilia Guardian se soucie de la santé des chats et des chiens

Enfin, j'espère que tout le monde gardera les yeux ouverts lorsqu'il choisira d'acheter de la nourriture pour chat ou chien et choisira des produits provenant d'entreprises fiables. Il est recommandé d'avoir un gardien Biophilia Guardian à la maison pour surveiller la santé de vos chats et chiens à tout moment !

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